11:11 Blog

The vibes mood board: Beach candle

The vibes mood board: Beach candle

So, this is the beginning of a new series called, “The vibes: mood board”. It is basically the visual inspiration and overall feel of the candles in our signature line. I know it is tricky shopping for a candle online since you aren’t able to smell it, so I wanted to do this to try and communicate the vibe of our candles. This post is dedicated to our beach candle.     Our beach candle features notes of tropical orchids, salt air, and fresh coconut.       I hope you enjoyed our first vibes mood board series.    XOXO...

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Current favorites

Current favorites

It has been a while and I hope you have been doing amazing! I have been so incredibly busy with future plans (stay tuned) but I had a chance to write a blog post today. I wanted to share with you some small rituals and things I have been loving lately.  If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll know that I am always on the hunt for great hair care. Currently, my hair is super long and I have been investing more in quality hair care. I also tend to lean on good ol’ fashion natural ingredients. I have been...

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How to achieve hydrated skin in the winter

How to achieve hydrated skin in the winter

        Winter months can be so harsh on your skin. The cold air just sucks the moisture right out of your skin. Aside from the weather, even the products you use can dry your skin out even more. Products like certain soaps, deodorants , and even cleaning products you may use around the house can dry out your skin and strip away oils and fats from skin surface.   How to tell if you have dry skin. your skin feels tight your skin is itchy or you find yourself scratching  skin feels and looks rough flakiness, ashiness...

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Stop overthinking

Stop overthinking

Are you guilty of overthinking? I know I am a horrible overthinker ( if that’s even a word). Overthinking keeps you from living your best life and living in the moment. Getting your overthinking under control would immensely improve your day to day life and it can help find happiness and beautiful moments in the mundane.    Overthinking almost always puts you in a negative state of mind. It can bring out anxiety, stress, and unhappiness. Even though it is difficult to stop overthinking, it is possible to stop or even improve. You can train your brain to perceive things...

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Have you checked in with yourself?

Have you checked in with yourself?

Hello, 11:11 family!   I hope you have had an amazing week. I can say on my end that these past couple of weeks have been hectic. Transitioning from “summer vacation” mode to “back to school” mode has not been easy for me. I can imagine it hasn’t been easy for you either. Even if you don’t have kids in school, just the added traffic alone has been a hassle.  In hectic and stressful times, it is so easy for us to forget the most simple thing: checking in with yourself. I am a big believer in the saying, “...

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